Blog Post

European CSR Survey

  • von Monique de Ritter
  • 07 Juni, 2019

M&L is currently carrying out a study on CSR practices around Europe. The purpose of this survey is to understand the different practices of incorporating sustainability/CSR in the organization and to learn more about how sustainability is commonly being understood and implemented.

The infographic below shows first trends, but we have not yet gathered sufficient respondents. This is why, when you are sustainability professional, we invite you to participate in this small survey (10 questions) via the following link:
When you will participate we will send you also the final reporting of the results. Your data will be treated in a confidential manner at all times.
von Javier Lozano 10. Dezember 2020
Die Corona-Pandemie fordert unser Arbeitsleben auf verschiedene Weise heraus. Die Arbeit von zu Hause aus ist eine der Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der Ausbreitung des Virus. Krisen bieten auch Gelegenheit, bestehende Konventionen und Arbeitsweisen zu überdenken. Insbesondere stellt sich die Frage, welche Auswirkungen die Heimarbeit auf das Leben der Beschäftigten und auch auf die Effektivität ihrer Arbeitsleistung hat. Wenn wir die Corona-Krise überwunden haben, sollten wir dann massiv ins Büro zurückkehren oder könnten wir zu Hause bleiben? Was sind die Vor- und Nachteile? Wann ist es sinnvoll und effektiv zu Hause zu arbeiten? M&L Communication hat diese Fragen im Laufe des Jahres in zwei separaten Studien untersucht. Es haben jeweils mehr als 200 Beschäftigte aus ganz Europa daran teilgenommen.
Diese Forschungsstudien zeigen einen zweischneidigen Effekt: Die Arbeit von zu Hause hat Vorteile, es ist aber nicht ideal. Ein hybrides Modell, das unterschiedliche Arbeitssituationen und Arbeitsaufgaben berücksichtigt, scheint besser geeignet, ein optimales Arbeitsergebnis und -klima zu schaffen.
Während die alltäglichen Arbeiten zum Teil besser und zuverlässig im Home Office ausgeführt werden stagnieren Innovationen und Weiterentwicklungen eines Unternehmens. Es gibt es eine signifikante Effizienzlücke bei strategischen Themen. Hier sollten Unternehmen und Mitarbeiter eine klare Präferenz zu einer Präsenzkultur beibehalten.
von M&L Team 26. März 2019

How do you ensure that you take into account all the feedback from comments and open questions in survey research? They contain a lot of valuable information  that gives you unique insights into the minds of the customer or employee. However, especially in case of large-scale surveys, it is difficult to keep track of all this information. 

We help you to get the full overview with a powerful visual based on our thorough text coding methodology.

von Monique de Ritter 19. März 2019

Reporting of data can be done in different ways, for example in the format of reports, presentations or infographics. One specific tool that M&L has developed is a ‘Interactive Cockpit Management Tool’ which allows one to both look at data in a highly interactive fashion, but at the same time to see the most important results in one single glance. It also enables easy benchmarking and for instance group comparisons. It is therefore an excellent tool that may be used real-life in business meetings or during discussions, for example when projected on a screen. M&L also is open to develop new data-based solutions dependent on your specific needs. We don’t only think along, but we are very pragmatic and operational and take over the processes that are important for actual execution and therewith take over all required processes to come to real results that are actionable.

von M&L Communication Team 6. März 2019
Zufriedenheit ist ein wichtiger Indikator für Leistung und Erfolg. Es hat sich immer wieder gezeigt, dass zufriedene Kunden loyaler sind und zufriedene Mitarbeiter engagierter. Diese Kombination ist der wichtigste Faktor für die Steigerung von Umsatz und Gewinn.

Darüber hinaus ermöglicht Ihnen eine regelmäßige Messung der Zufriedenheit eine zeitnahe und gezielte Durchführung und Überprüfung von Maßnahmen.

Unser Ziel ist es, Chancen und Risiken zu entdecken und Handlungsempfehlungen auszuarbeiten. Dies trägt auch dazu bei, den ROI zu steuern und damit mehr Umsatz zu erzielen.
von M&L Communication Team 19. Juni 2018
M&L has a new website! Here you can read more about our services and our experience over the last 25 years
von M&L Communication 25. Mai 2018
Customer Service Checks ”Good value for money” is an important indicator of overall customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, it has appeared that another key factor that determines customer loyalty is satisfaction with customer support service.

M&L checks since 15 years the quality and performance of these customer support services, whether it is in call centers, solution corners in shops, or at reparation service corners. This checking process of customer support services is carried out by experienced M&L employees and follows pre-determined criteria and different checking scenarios for comparison. We take care of the full evaluation process, starting from the choosing of conceptual testing parameters to analysis of results and reporting. By this, we show you the weak and strong points of your customer support services and we give concrete recommendations to optimize your service quality.

In addition, we recruit panels with people that are actually closing contracts with providers, for example in the telecommunication sector, in order to document all ordering processes and customer communication. Also benchmarking with competitors or direct customer satisfaction surveys are possible. Would you like to hear more? Please call us! +49 69 96 36 700
von Monique de Ritter 14. Mai 2018
Why is it so important to measure satisfaction? Satisfaction is an important indicator on many levels for performance, success and general wellbeing. Therefore, one of the key pillars of M&L is to carry out regular satisfaction surveys for different target groups, such as customers, employees, or in the health domain, patients.

Our way of working: satisfaction surveys always need to be customized to the target group and company. Even though we build upon a standard set of tools, we always enter anew in the process of joint tailor-making with our customers.

In terms of methodology we offer the traditional paper-and-pencil surveys, telephone interviews, and online surveys, each offering specific advantages. Our specialty is the handling of large-scale multilingual research projects. Over the last decade we have processed, analyzed and reported data from over 250,000 respondents worldwide. Also, we specialize in longitudinal research in order to discover trends over time, with one of our customers already over a time span of 14 years.

Would you like to hear more? Please be in touch with Monique de Ritter, Researcher & Coordinator International Studies +49 69-963670-155 or
von M&L Team 7. Mai 2018
Combining fragmented knowledge by taking a data-driven approach enhances innovation and the knowledge to create the right business interventions. Dynamic interventions are based on both data and dialogue.

Data-insight forms the backbone of any well-grounded business discussion, because the arguments are based on facts and latest trends. Data are everywhere around us. However, it is needed to look at data in a systematic fashion to create models that may aid effective decision-making. For this it is important to ask the right question and to focus on those data that are critical for your business problem. In this regard, M&L is specialized in (large-scale) satisfaction surveys for various target groups and uses a diverse set of methodologies. M&L has carried out projects in many countries (63) and languages (43). In order to further facilitate this process, M&L has developed various tools, such as the ‘business management cockpit’, next time more about this tool!

Would you like to hear more about us and the way we work? Please be in touch with Monique de Ritter , Researcher & Coordinator International Studies +49 69-963670-155 or
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